Villagersonline : blogs : Patricia : respvxcSBc
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From: Patricia
Date: Wed Aug 10 19:38:05 MST 2005 Subject:

benjipark: place (8/18/05)
Karen: Free is good (8/18/05)
benjipark: coffee (8/18/05)
russ: Where? (8/19/05)
benjipark: location (8/20/05)
Suki: Woo hoo! (8/21/05)
Responses (sorted by date)
Suki: Woo hoo! (8/21/05)
benjipark: location (8/20/05)
russ: Where? (8/19/05)
benjipark: coffee (8/18/05)
Karen: Free is good (8/18/05)
benjipark: place (8/18/05)
dunkin donuts was actually not that much of a serious suggestion, but the ambiente there consists of sugar fumes mixed with coffee fumes. I hear it's suitable for staying awake.

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From: benjipark
Date: Thu Aug 18 06:18:55 MST 2005 Subject: place

Actually since Susan and I just heard that we are approved on our apartment, we would like to offer our place. Yes Russ, free wifi. I'll eventually have a computer set up for anyone to use anytime. We'll try and get enough seating.

We get the keys september first so maybe a couple of days and we'll be ready to have people come to our disaster zone. Upsides are free, open late, wifi, free.

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From: Karen
Date: Thu Aug 18 08:00:00 MST 2005 Subject: Free is good

BYO camping chair, people. And since it's Benji's place, BYO coffee! I can bring my new French press from Ikea on the nights I come ;-) (Or wait-maybe Susan has a coffeemaker...? Can't remember if you drink it or not, girl)

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From: benjipark
Date: Thu Aug 18 15:28:55 MST 2005 Subject: coffee

Actually she does not drink coffee, but surprisingly we, we do have a coffee maker. The plan is to upgrade this in the near future and keep coffee paraphanalia around our apartment. I don't know what all to get so my plan is to get a coffee drinker to come with me to the store and we'll buy stuff.

We will have tea and some form of cold drinks.

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From: russ
Date: Fri Aug 19 09:35:03 MST 2005 Subject: Where?

Sounds like fun! Where is your new place?

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From: benjipark
Date: Fri Aug 19 17:38:17 MST 2005 Subject: location

EDIT: It's on the corner of grant and CRAYCROFT. Don't know the exact address or apartment number yet though.

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From: Suki
Date: Sun Aug 21 10:33:29 MST 2005 Subject: Woo hoo!

You guys are going to be really close to our place!!

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