Villagersonline : blogs : Patricia : forgiveness
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From: Patricia
Date: Tue Jun 10 16:12:15 EDT 2008 Subject: forgiveness

rodhugen: Nice! (6/11/08)
Responses (sorted by date)
rodhugen: Nice! (6/11/08)

You said that love covers a multitude of sins. (1Pt.4:8)
Is that not what forgiveness means?
But what about the one who wounded me so deeply?

What would it cost me to forgive him, to love him well?
Does it not mean to desire good things for him? (Lk.6:27)
To pray for his reconciliation with You? (Mat.5:44)

But what if I don’t?
What if I don’t want to forgive him?
What if I don’t want You to forgive him?

This is a dangerous path.
You taught us to ask for Your forgiveness
“As we forgive those who sin against us.” (Mat.6:12)

Is the asking for forgiveness the key?
“If your brother sins, rebuke him,
And if he repents, forgive him.” (Lk.18:3)

It occurs to me that You bore his sins, too.
You experienced my pain as well as his malice.
Bearing it all, were You relieved to finally breathe Your last.

You gave up Your heavenly glory
To join us in our plight,
And to go through hell for us.

You did that so we might have redemption.
Through Your blood we have forgiveness -
All in accordance with the riches of Your grace. (Eph.1:7)

In Your grace, You forgive the repentant heart. (Eph.1:7)
The unrepentant You judge by Your justice. (Rom.2:5)
His regret is certain. I am free to let go of resentment.

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From: rodhugen
Date: Wed Jun 11 09:40:03 EDT 2008 Subject: Nice!

Thanks. And complete with Scripture references, too. :)


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