Villagersonline : blogs : Patricia : Taking Eric's hook . . .
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From: Patricia
Date: Fri Feb 11 08:41:52 MST 2005 Subject: Taking Eric's hook . . .

emily: plan "B" (2/11/05)
Karen: Plan Type? (2/11/05)
Responses (sorted by date)
Karen: Plan Type? (2/11/05)
emily: plan "B" (2/11/05)
... from his Personal Star Log Date blog:

I remember overhearing an argument (though I cannot remember who all was involved in that argument) about God's will, His perfect will, and His permissive will. One person exclaimed that God does not have, nor need, nor want a "plan B". Hear my story on that, if you will --

For about the entire lenght of Timmy's life, and especially more so lately, I have periodically prayed that someone would just come and knock on our door at the trailer and ask to buy it. I prayed with little confidence (my mistake!), but only with a mere glimmer of hope. After all, nothing is impossible with God. I was asking for a miracle and miracles have to be deserved - or so I believed. This misconception made it more than scary to go ahead with the move to and the puchase of our beautiful home on 24th Street.
To continue my story, I believe it was after Christmas when my sweet friend, Hope, mentioned that her relative, Zachary, was planning to move back to Tucson. He was looking for a place to rent. Well, I can't rent out my trailer, because the mobile home park where it is located won't allow renters, only owners. Nonetheless, she made mention of it to Zachary and gave him my phone number. He called me soon after with much excitement and agreed to buy the mobile home, sight unseen!!!
Chris and Joe R. (THANK YOU JOE, FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK!!!) cleaned up the walls and painted them. I think it was last Saturday when the neighbor to our north came over and said that his mother-in-law was interested in moving next door to them. Would we sell our trailer to her? Chris told him that someone was already scheduled to move in the following week. Undeterred, the neighbor asked to see the inside anyway and also asked the sales price. His reaction indicated that both, the looks of the inside and the price were acceptable in his mind.
Hang on, it gets better: Last Monday Zachary and his little family left Oklahoma, driving their truck and a trailer full of household items to Tucson. He estimated his arrival to be late Tuesday night. His plan was to find a motel room and to move in on Wednesday morning. Fortunately for them, they arrived six hours early. (I wonder if they would have been able to find a room while the gem show is going on.) He called me from Hope's house to tell me that he's here. :) I was cleaning mini blinds at that moment (I don't think I will own mini blinds again in the near or not so near future) and asked him to come on out there to look and claim his new home. He said he'd be over in about half an hour. About half an hour later there's a knock on the door. Fully expecting Zachary and his wife I opened the door -- to the daughter of the neighbor to our south. She said that it looked like we were selling the trailer and she wanted to buy it. She wants move in with her boyfriend and also be near her parents (who, by the way moved in there only last week). We told her of the arrival of the family who will live there but showed her the inside anyway. She asked the price and terms and took my phone number. Then she sat outside in the truck with her boyfriend for a long time, talking.
Finally Zachary and his wife arrived and loved the place. To see their excitement and joy was a dizzying delight. I told them the story of the two neighbors considering their new home and they would have none of it!

Now, what do you think, dear reader? In my mind, God not only has a "plan A" and a "plan B", but also a "plan C". I got my miracle and didn't have to deserve it. I am loved.

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From: Karen
Date: Fri Feb 11 16:13:18 MST 2005 Subject: Plan Type?

The plan type sounds like an AB positive to me ;-)

Thanks for the encouraging story. It makes me think of the several things I've prayed for, over many years, although (or because) I haven't yet seen "results"... prayers thrown up in various mental/spiritual states of gaiety/hope/nonchalance/cynicism/desperation/utter exhaustion. I don't think any of our "feelings," including doubtful feelings, about the prayer matters one whit in the spiritual world. Of course, I can't prove that point, but just thought I'd float it anyway.

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