Villagersonline : blogs : NewRyan : Photo Meditations I
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From: NewRyan
Date: Wed May 11 20:37:25 MST 2005 Subject: Photo Meditations I

Patricia: Eureka (5/12/05)
Karen: Never been to Boston in the spring... (5/12/05)
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Karen: Never been to Boston in the spring... (5/12/05)
Patricia: Eureka (5/12/05)

I’m in Boston this week with my job. I’ve never been to Boston before. So yesterday my colleague and I went for a walk through the city. Everything was electric green. The warm sun shone on the Bostonians airing out from a long, grey winter. Parks were peppered with people laying on the grass and sitting talking on benches. Everywhere you looked there were flowers and blooming trees, accenting Colonial era churches and brick townhouses.

I feel alive when I travel. There is something about exploring a city with camera in hand that transforms columns buildings, brick, glass, and concrete into a playground of possibilities. Around every corner is a new world waiting to be discovered. Every person that walks by is a unique web of dreams, struggles and heartaches. All around me there is color, shape, and movement. Sometimes I am nearly overwhelmed with the sheer beauty and scope of it all. I frequently feel this strange feeling that I do not know the word for. I think it is my heart breaking. Breaking because I cannot fully take in all the beauty and possibility around me. Yet I try.

This is why I take pictures.

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From: Patricia
Date: Thu May 12 09:54:45 MST 2005 Subject: Eureka

Wow Ryan, that's awesome! Green green grass. Aah. How delightful. And this feeling that makes you just want to burst - that, my friend and brother, is JOY. It's God's gift for you to open and bask in and use to be fueled by for whatever He leads you into next...


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From: Karen
Date: Thu May 12 10:01:17 MST 2005 Subject: Never been to Boston in the spring...

...but it looks like my camera's having some cool adventures there! The guy with the phone looks Irish-American ;-) (There's a few of those in Boston, I hear--maybe he's that colleague of yours, though?) I wonder how close you got to Gary and/or Karen, w/out knowing it... (It's a small world, as I've been re-discovering of late.)

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