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From: NewRyan
Date: Sun May 28 11:06:22 MST 2006 Subject: Jesus etc

corwithani: the kingdom... (5/29/06)
ryan: what is a king anyway? (6/2/06)
Karen: Slippery reality (6/2/06)
Patricia: answers or questions (6/2/06)
Responses (sorted by date)
Patricia: answers or questions (6/2/06)
Karen: Slippery reality (6/2/06)
ryan: what is a king anyway? (6/2/06)
corwithani: the kingdom... (5/29/06)
Jesus speaking, "I have appeared to you to appoint you as a servant and as a witness
of what you have seen of me and what I will show you. I will rescue
you from your own people and from the Gentiles. I am sending you to
them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from
the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of
sins and a place among those who are sanctified in me." ACTS 26:17

I was very moved by this passage. This was certainly paul's vocation,
but what if we took this calling upon ourselves? Or better yet, what
if the alive Jesus actually is saying those words to us now?

Also, a couple verses that are interesting when trying to figure out how precisely to do this above job.

Again Paul:
"He explained and declared to them the kingdom of God and tried to
convince them about Jesus from the Law of Moses and from the
Prophets." ACTS 28:23

"For two whole years Paul stayed there in his own rented house and welcomed all who came to see him. Boldy and without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ." ACTS 28:31

Paul then, seemed to have two major things he talked about: 1) the
kingdom of God and 2) The new rightful King, Jesus

I wonder how we can better talk about these two things. It seems that
people in general really know little about the K of G. It is
generally very mysterious and unclear. Esp. when it comes to learing how this interesects with our actual life, now. What did paul spend
"from morning til evening" talking about (v. 28)? This also meshes
well with what I've been thinking about in regards to Jesus and his
message. It says he would go about "teaching in their churches,
preaching the good news of the kingdom and and healing every sickness
among the people" Matt 4:23 It seems he spent a lot of time
declaring this new availablity of life with God. That's my
intrepretation of the "Gospel of the Kingdom." Perhaps we should
spend more time telling this to each other?

And then he "taught about the Lord Jesus Christ." I wonder what he
talked about exactly? Wouldn't it be great to have listened to him?
I bet it included, but went well beyond talking about his death for
our sins.

To summarize: Declaring God's available rule while at the same time
teaching about Jesus, the King of this new kingdom.

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From: corwithani
Date: Sun May 28 21:39:50 MST 2006 Subject: the kingdom...

hey ryan, I really liked your post. especially after reading the sentence on how little we really know about the Kingdom of God (cause I completely agree), I thought to a Nav conference I attended back in February. the conference was entitled "the Kingdom of God", and the talks were all given by a man named KyoHo who is on staff at UC Irvine. he spent (I believe) 3 years studying the Kingdom and really, really loves Jesus.

so the only way I can think of to share his talks with you are by giving the website of my friend Sam's blog, who just finished his internship with Navs here at U of A (he was one of Hannah's teammates). sounds a bit stalker-ish, but if you're interested in hearing them (I especially recommend the third one entitled "ways of the kingdom" where he speaks from the perspective of Zaccheus) then just go to his blog at:

and scroll down to the title "New Links to the Kingdom Conference" where you can download them.

if you or others download them, I'd love to hear what you think. it really gave me a new perspective on His kingdom that we are already a part of that Satan tries to tell us otherwise so we will live more complacent. enjoy! :)

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From: ryan
Date: Thu Jun 1 17:22:37 MST 2006 Subject: what is a king anyway?

I think part of the challenge we have as proclaimers of the kingdom of God is articulating what a kingdom is. I studied classics for years and I still have only a vague notion of what living in a kingdom would actually be like. I think of middle-school lessons with pyramid charts illustrating royalty at the top, nobility below, the landed class below that, and a huge block of peasantry below that... peasants living in general poverty and working themselves sick trying to support everyone above them. I image that most people (myself anyway) feel kinda like that guy in the Holy Grail, arguing with King Arthur that there is no king, that he and his fellows live in an autonomous commune and find that ‘strange women lying in ponds, distributing swords, is no basis for a system of government!’

I have to admit, King Jesus and his lordship does have a certain mythic quality a hardened skeptic such as myself has a hard time swallowing. Just how do you tell a skeptic that there is a king, that he's a good king, and that somehow submitting to his lordship is not only a good or right thing to do, but the equivalent of passing from death to life.

Skepticism aside, how do you tell someone who has found life in something that they aren't actually alive after all, because apart from Jesus there is no life... that the life they have found is actually more like chocolate-covered Purina Dog Chow than a real banquet. I can hear the voices in protest now: ‘How do you know what life is to say that mine isn’t life?’

So yeah, Ryan... I for one need the reminders that King Jesus is real and involved and deserving of glory and honor and our obedience. And even if God had chosen to make him King by means of a woman lobbing a scimitar at him (not so, but for some a virgin birth and resurrection and all that are just as absurd), it doesn't make him any less King.

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From: Karen
Date: Thu Jun 1 19:10:09 MST 2006 Subject: Slippery reality

The Kingdom, especially in this bent world, sure is hard to get a handle on. It's real, but not in the way we're used to perceiving real things. Like a rainbow in a spray of water on a bright day; you can only see it from a certain angle, and it's certainly real, but it's far from solid. Well, not solid in our way of thinking of solids... And like white light, the Kingdom is in fact not even what it appears to be, and even what it appears to be often goes unnoticed. Only the things in the light itself are recognized.

Even Jesus--who was, I assume, well acquainted with his Kingdom--had to speak of it indirectly through metaphors. Speaking of metaphors--I went back to the Easter stuff a few blogs back and looked again.

Having some non-linear thoughts... Ryan Mc did a good job with the linear ones, though.

OK--one linear thought. A thought of me, weeping on the couch at Seneca House earlier today. Susan Cepin with her arm around me, saying nothing. Then saying she didn't know what was going to happen, but either way, it would be okay.

Kingdom of God, like Lewis' picture of Narnia: Aslan is on the move. The false ruler's victims, all the witch's statues are to be restored to life again. The snow is already melting. The supernatural ice is cracking. The river is going to flow wild again. If it isn't flowing already.

And NewRyan, where was that cool photo taken??

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From: Patricia
Date: Fri Jun 2 09:53:07 MST 2006 Subject: answers or questions

I'm currently reading a book written by a journalist named Christie Wicker. She knew religion and she knew about God so-to-speak. She had no ambition to have anything to do with religion nor did she want to have faith or God or any god for that matter. Her editor stuck her in the religion section of the newspaper and told her to "reinvent" this sort of coverage. As she went about her business she found herself most intrigued by the very questions that motivated church folk, in particular those who spoke with deep faith.
So, now I wonder if it not is the questions we ask and wrestle with for ourselves that become part of the proclamation. Perhaps sharing the quest speaks louder or more clearly and more honestly to people than giving answers?

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