Villagersonline : blogs : NewRyan : Crabb Quote
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From: NewRyan
Date: Sun Sep 16 15:22:52 EDT 2007 Subject: Crabb Quote

kimc: just thi (9/17/07)
kimc: Just one thing--take 4 (9/18/07)
benjipark: I second that (9/18/07)
adriennelynne: a thought (9/19/07)
Responses (sorted by date)
adriennelynne: a thought (9/19/07)
benjipark: I second that (9/18/07)
kimc: Just one thing--take 4 (9/18/07)
kimc: just thi (9/17/07)
Larry Crabb writes,

You yearn for a safe place, a community of
friends who are hungry for God, who know
what it means to sense the Spirit moving within
them as they speak with you. You long for
brothers and sisters who are intent not on
figuring out how to improve your life, but on
being with you wherever your journey leads.
You want to know and be known in conversa-
tions that aren't really about you or anyone
else but Christ.

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From: kimc
Date: Tue Sep 18 18:01:10 EDT 2007 Subject: Just one thing--take 4

Hi, I have tried to write and send this blog 4 times now. Either I am not supposed to, or I really am supposed to! Or, I needed to refine my thoughts a bit more or learn the blog system, or...whatever!

I really liked the parts in this quote that talked about being a part of a community that is sensitive to God's spirit. I have experienced that at the Village. Not a lot of people can really sit with pain--theirs or others. It is hard to let God do his work when it is inconvenient and where we could step in, but really shouldn't.

The one part I did not like was how every conversation is about Christ. I think I understand his intention here, but I got messed up with this kind of description when I fist believed in Jesus. I tried to take on Christ's personality--whatever that was--and never honored the one He actually gave me. I do want my deepest heart and yours to be committed to how Jesus is moving, but I like finding out how he created you and how you and me uniquely reflect him in this world.

That last part was much too ethereal to me. That type of description has been more a stumbling block than a help in living out my identity day to day.

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From: benjipark
Date: Tue Sep 18 18:54:31 EDT 2007 Subject: I second that

I agree Kim. We should be trying to live "with Christ" and with Christ in us, not lead his life. It seems to me to be just one more area that Satan has thrown up a smoke screen letting us think we need to try the impossible. Inevitably we get discouraged.

Discerning what true role we are supposed to play is more difficult then I think most people realize. We are constantly asking who am I, who is God, why am I here. That is if we allow ourselves. I struggle to not be ambivalent or find something to distract me.

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From: adriennelynne
Date: Wed Sep 19 07:50:24 EDT 2007 Subject: a thought

I got a totally different experience out of reading the quote. I actually got goosebumps. Obviously we all long for community and safety... we long for people to be with us on our journey. The final sentence is what really moved me.

"You want to know and be known in conversa-
tions that aren't really about you or anyone
else but Christ."

It is important to discuss our lives and work through things...but to sit in a group and talk about scripture is a unique experience. I love thinking about what Jesus did and how he really LOVED people...I love trying to imagine myself doing those things...even thoguth I fail at them daily. I still intend to keep my eyes on Him and HIs story and to bring a unity to my life with His.

Also I think of the pointless conversations with people...and Christ calls me to live above them...He calls me to be united with His people through Him. I think if more of my conversations were about Him and His life and less of my conversations were about human improvement my world would drastically change.

Just a thought to add to the mix.

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