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From: Mike_Wise
Date: Thu Mar 28 16:43:28 EDT 2013 Subject: My season of solitude

Suki: On Lent (4/6/13)
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Suki: On Lent (4/6/13)
Hey guys,
My season of solitude is coming to an end. I hope this lent has been as rich for you as it has been for me. One of the things that has come up a lot is folks asking exactly what my fast looked like. It's hard to say "I gave up this.." or "I stopped doing that.." because just saying what I gave up doesn't address the place I was with God or what I felt he was calling me into. Calling it a season of solitude has a better ring to it. I felt God was calling me out and away from things that were hooking me and into a place where I could know him, and myself, more fully. So yes there was a sense of giving some things up which I kind of figured out by faith what those things were as I went along. A couple of mainstays though from beginning to end was

1 No posting on social media. No posting of any kind of status message or tweet or blogs. The journal entries I shared here I only did with Eric's permission. Reading FB was done in very small limited amounts just to see how some folks were doing but this too was very limited.

2. Fasting from listening to music in the car most days of the week. Too and From work Mon-Thurs I didn't listen to music. If I did listen to anything it was the bible or to sermons. Most of this time was spent in prayer or quiet reflection.

During my work day I spent a lot of down time reading or listening top sermons. It was a sermon by Tim Keller that actually sparked the desire to come into solitude by the way, his sermon on Counterfeit gods, of which I have been guilty of having. I also have followed Mark Driscoll's latest sermon series about our identity in Christ. I've also read books by Brennon Manning, and Richard Foster which both proved to be helpful.

During this time I also felt a call to be away from going to shows and such. I only attended one show during my fast which I did because I needed to write a report on a music show for my class. It felt more life giving to simply live a simpler life, to spend time with Corrie and enjoy each other. Also to spend time with friends from the church, to serve rather than be served. As I learn more about my gifts and vocation I see these types of things happening a lot more.

To say the least this was a very powerful time for me I experienced a lot both good and bad. I feel the bad things I experienced happened for a purpose and has helped me grow. As I've expressed in earlier journal entries I feel as if I have become what some would call a mature Christian, I feel much more surefooted in my faith, much more trust in my God and more knowledgeable about what it is that I am to do in this church and in this world.

I'll close for now but I will write more about my experience later.

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From: Suki
Date: Sat Apr 6 19:51:24 EDT 2013 Subject: On Lent

Thanks for your reflections on Lent, Mike!
Here's my Lenten reflection. I copied it from an e-mail to my Monastic Community, so some of you may have seen it already.
I gave up web surfing and computer-based research for Lent, and Eric & I stopped watching television on weeknights (we're hoping to generally keep that one going). The fruit of this changed evening ritual was time freed up to dive into a good book, which turned out to be very restful. As for the computer changes, I found that I was less likely to get into an OCD state of mind and start making rash decisions about new projects and such, which meant spending less time and money on sidetracked low priority tasks. It also freed up more time for studying the Bible, and I began spending time most days listening to God and praying for people at the Village. This time led to a sense of continued communion with Him throughout the days, which was a really sweet shift to experience. I also started praying about my anxiety more directly during Lent, and I think that God gave me some specific direction that is leading into freedom. How cool is that!?

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