Villagersonline : blogs : Mike_Wise : How did it happen God?
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From: Mike_Wise
Date: Thu Jan 19 12:22:54 EST 2012 Subject: How did it happen God?

eric: Yay (1/19/12)
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eric: Yay (1/19/12)
How did it happen?
Tell me God,
How did it come to pass that you'd pick me, me of all people, even when I was so messed up.
Even after all those times I hated you, and said horrible things about you
How did it happen that you still wanted me?
How did you find me? I thought I had gone too far off for even your eyes to see.
I thought that I had buried myself deep into my own personal hell. I thought there was no more hope for me. Yet here I am, yours, your and yours alone.
Abba, how did it happen?
I hope someday to learn of the story. To know of everything that was going on behind the scenes. behind the stories. Help me learn to read between the lines Lord.
Help me understand how you found me and picked me for your great work.
You left all the other sheep to find me
You left your home in heaven to seek me out
You left me to my troubles so that I might grow
You left me so that you could someday find me
and here I am
Yours, yours and yours alone. Grateful and blessed, still a broken vessel but still a holy vessel for your love and grace.
Thank you

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From: eric
Date: Thu Jan 19 17:52:59 EST 2012 Subject: Yay


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