Villagersonline : blogs : Mike_Wise : Help with weight
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From: Mike_Wise
Date: Mon Jan 3 16:09:07 EST 2011 Subject: Help with weight

sunnygirl7d: No Subject (1/13/11)
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sunnygirl7d: No Subject (1/13/11)
I wonder if there is anyone at the village who might be able to help me. As many of you know I am overweight, I am 5'11" and my weight hovers around 350 pounds. Needless to say I am not happy with it, not happy at all. I know that at some level acceptance of yourself wherever you are is a needed thing and I've done that, I also know that God loves me no matter what I weigh but I also know that I've only got this one life and I am to do what I can with it and I feel that my weight hinders me from doing that.
I've also dealt with a tremendous amount of anxiety of my obesity(God I hate that word) causing heart troubles and death, I'm 33 years old I shouldn't be worrying about this stuff.
I need help, admittedly a LOT of it. I need someone to help me with diet and exercise someone who can help me come up with a plan that will work for me, that will help me drop some pounds and then not gain them back. I could use a lot of prayer too for this and other things. I've noticed an increase in my anxiety level and I really don;'t want to have to go on medication again if I can avoid it. If anyone can help, or knows of someone who can please let me know.
Love you guys and cannot wait to see you all again on Sunday

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From: sunnygirl7d
Date: Thu Jan 13 16:06:20 EST 2011 Subject:

food is such a hard addiction. and there is so much shame wrapped up in our cultural identity about weight. I think that satan uses this shame to trap us in a vicious cycle of over eating-feeling shame-eating again to feel better-feeling shame etc etc....i've nicked named it EE 'emotional eating' not sure if this is what you are experiencing but it's part of my experience so i thought i'd share.
I think you are brave for asking for help and i do think that support is the key for success when it comes to losing weight. but more than support i think that there is an internal resolve that has to live inside you everyday you fight the habits that have become natural to you. I like to focus on what it is that I do want....not just the desire to lose weight. for me it was that i wanted to fit in my everyday i told myself 'i want to fit into my clothes' not 'i have to lose this weight' when i took the focus off the weight part it was like i was refusing to live under the shame. and that really helped. so I encourage you everyday to talk to yourself in a way that refuses to live under shame, but that catapults your mind frame into a positive direction about the goal you want to achieve.
I'm not sure if its for you but i used the weight watchers eating plan. it was nice b.c you could eat whatever you wanted but you had to watch your portions. it was also helpful b.c when i have a written down plan i'm a lot more likely to follow it. and with the meetings there is accountability and support.
if you want i would love to sit down with you and help you map out a plan and give you tips on how to make the healthier choices easier to choose. let me know!

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