Villagersonline : blogs : Mike_Wise : God said it I believe it,,,, does that really settle it?
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From: Mike_Wise
Date: Mon Aug 23 14:29:59 EDT 2010 Subject: God said it I believe it,,,, does that really settle it?

clrclady: Confession (8/28/10)
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clrclady: Confession (8/28/10)
(I post this blog, of my very personal and admitted agonized thoughts on doubt with a lot of prayer and humility. It is not my desire for my struggles with faith and doubt to be a stumbling block unto anyone. I live with these struggles daily and felt a need to share them. Please be gentle with your responses but respond if you feel led to. I love you all, my church family. Thank you for accepting this wayward soul into your church. MW)

I was asked at lunch today who or what I worshipped. The question was asked sincerely, and in the same spirit I responded that I worshipped whatever there might be outside knowledge. I worship the void. The mystery. And the ability of our human minds to perceive an unanswerable mystery. To reduce such a thing to simplistic names is an insult to it, and to our intelligence.

-Roger Ebert

I think the sweetest poison one can drink in this world is also the most dangerous. The poison called certainly. To KNOW anything absolutely is to be proven a fool. We cannot know, we can guess, speculate, hypothesize, have faith in or hope for things but we cannot know.

I’ve spent the better part of my adult life on a search for truth, for knowledge. I have done this first as a Christian then as a agnostic and now,,,,,, well what in the hell am I anyway? What label works? What words can I use to categorize where I am at on this road?

I grew up knowing there was a God. I knew that Jesus was my friend and he died for my sins, I knew that bad people went to hell. I knew that atheists were missing out on these wonderful truths. I knew that God had a special purpose for my life then a few doctrinal doubts, some life experiences and a car crash later I found out I didn’t know anything.

Then I spent 10 years in the vast wilderness we call uncertainty. Doubt, skepticism in it’s truest form. I argued with both the Christians who claimed to have some secret knowledge about God and the atheists who thought such pursuits were fruitless. I read near death experience literature by the boatload, I read philosophy and the myths of other religions. If there was one thing that I was sure of it was simply that we did not know anything.

And then a few months ago, for reasons that are not completely clear to me I decided to give faith another try. I called on God, even yet still full of doubt and confusion and asked him to use me if he could. And I find myself in this place that I am at now. I still don’t really know what to call it, or if it really has a name at all.

I have faith and yet I have many many doubts. I think this would seem a contradiction to many but the opposite of doubt isn’t faith it’s certainty. I have no certainty but I do have faith I do have hope.

It’s interesting to see what motivates people to believe. I know some Christians who believe because they’ve experienced their prayers being answered. This creates for a slippery slope sometimes though what if God decides not to answer your prayers in the way that you hope or even worse EXPECT him to? Would be easy to lose faith in faith if God seemed to be less than caring? If he didn’t provide you with your desires and needs?

Still others believe in God for their get out of jail free card. Because God will keep them from having to go to hell. This is Pascal’s wager in a nutshell. It’s safer to believe in a God rather than not to believe in one because the consequences are that much greater for unbelief if there is a God then they are for belief if there isn’t one. I wonder, if I were God(which I am not) how I would feel about these people who only believed in me so that I would protect them from their punishment? Is this truly some people’s only motivator towards faith?

I don’t believe in God for either of those two reasons. It’s not some great reward or some horrible punishment that motivates my faith even in the midst of my doubts. I believe because it makes sense to. Because the work of the kingdom is something that has been put upon my heart Because the character of God is something that I can align myself with. Because the idea that there is someone in control of all of this chaos is comforting to me. because I believe in the power of God to not save everything and everyone from future destruction, but to restore creation back to it’s original intention. My belief and faith has very little to do with the life to come. I still have many problems with the idea of supernatural things. I’ve never seen anyone truly healed, I’ve never been healed of anything myself. Life is still messy whether you believe or not.

I sometimes wish that God would come down from heaven and meet me somewhere and just sit with me and explain things to me. I wish I could be Moses for a season and just have God to speak to. I wish that prayer was less about me babbling on and on about whatever and more about God making it clear to me how this world really works. I wish he could tell me why things happened the way they did, the good and the bad. Why he either planned for, or allowed my brother to die the way he did knowing what that would do to me. I wish I could get a glimpse of eternity so that all of my fear would fade away. I wish God would touch me take away my pain and my sadness, I wish that I truly
believed without any doubt.

Sadly, for whatever reason, God doesn’t work that way and I am left with what I have. A shaky faith and a heart and mind flooded with doubt and I’m left to walk this road, in a very real sense, all by myself. I wish there were words that would truly capture the agonizing pain my doubt has caused. I don’t think anyone really understands. So I walk my road and do my best to try to hear God’s quiet voice over the noise of the world. and I pray that someday, even though I am wretched and imperfect and broken and hideous, when it is all said and done, if there is life after this. I hope that Jesus will look upon me, smile and say “well done good and faithful servant”.

Until then I’ll just hope.

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From: clrclady
Date: Sat Aug 28 00:21:10 EDT 2010 Subject: Confession

I have to confession that I did not read all of your blog because I am tired and worn out and I cannot wrestle with philosophy of thought right now. I do believe there is absolute truth, to deny absolute truth is a very slippery path to humanism. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the Life. He is the absolute truth. I know this because I have seen the truth of the scriptures revealed time and time again both the blessings and the curses, both answered prayers of a yes, a no and a wait; I know this because I have heard demons, angels and God talk to me and other people. I know this because before all of this I believed that the Bible was God word.

You do not have to believe everything I just said. That is why I believe that Jesus and God are absolute truth and define absolute truth with their words. I also think there are other absolute truths - like the fact it is an absolute truth that while I am typing this I am laying on a bed typing or the truth that my laundry is in the dryer and Jesse is eating with friends in the kitchen even though I cannot see those things - they are true because I can hear them or I experienced them at other times this evening. I am not trying to be mean here, and I love you dearly. But I would love to ask you what the doubt does for you? What would it be like to just love God without understand and love your neighbor as yourself? Those are the greatest commandments. Doubt is OK, and God loves those who doubt, but the doubting father who wanted to be healed did not wrestle with all his questions with Jesus. He said I believe, help me with my unbelief. And then followed Jesus into Jesus doing His work. He looked for how He could love others and God more and He looked for how He could best take care of his family. Just words for thought from a fellow doubter who has wrestled. The only thing that keeps me from massive confusion in my head trying to figure everything out is Fixing my eyes on Jesus and loving others (See Hebrews 12:1-4 and Matthew 22:37-39). By the way, even trying to do all this, I still struggle with doubt sometimes and have to take care of myself that it why it is hard for me to converse sometimes with you because I often doubt God's goodness, not because I have not had a lot of evidence that God has been good, but because Satan has tried to destroy me a lot and God has allowed that to happen. I really had to wrestle with God a lot over that and He really talked to me a lot over why all the bad things happened to me happened to me. I can truly say right now today that I would not take back a day of my life because each day has made me who I am and able to minister and work how I do, also it has made me reliant on God so much more than I ever would have been and I have so much more of a deeper relationship then I ever would have had. But Satan still attacks me with lies, so some times it is hard because I have chosen the path to not have all the answers and trust.

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