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From: Mike_Wise
Date: Tue May 29 17:56:47 EDT 2012 Subject: Content

Suki: Mmm (5/30/12)
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Suki: Mmm (5/30/12)
Today, as we sit and wait for God's provision, as Corrie continues to send out applications to work wherever they might hire her, I decided to fill out an application of my own.

DES is hiring for people to be interviewers to help clients get plugged into programs that can help them. Food stamps, disability, etc. Corrie had applied for this herself but she got word that she wouldn't be getting an interview. As frustrating as this is though I decided to apply myself. This would be a great opportunity for me to get a start on my career in social work. To help people, to be a difference in this world.

It was in this place that I decided, on my lunchtime walk to approach the throne and ask God to help. I told him that I desired to have the kind of story that truly showcased His victory in my life. I spoke of my desire to be an agent of change in this world. I don't claim to be an expert at hearing God's voice, in fact more often than not I second guess myself all the time in this area. Today though I feel like I received a response. I asked him to allow me to have a story that would change lives and his response was "I already have."

I wonder if that's where one finds contentment in this life. It's not that there aren't goals or desires or places to go or adventures to have. It's just being able to rest in the knowledge of what has already been done. I take great pride in knowing that my story cannot be told, by myself or by others, without at least the acknowledgement that my life has been better since giving up my fight against God and returning to his care.


without His grace, and His victory over my sin and over this world.

That doesn't mean that life doesn't hurt, that doesn't mean that I should stop trying to move forward. It doesn't mean that reality isn't want it is, that Corrie has no job, that we remain childless, that my poor parents still give up a portion of their home and their own independence to allow us to live there, but what it does mean is that the really major victory has already been claimed. I am in relationship with the creator of the universe, I am loved fully by Him. That frees me to live my life as a tribute to this. It gives me the chance to tell those who are watching, "Watch what God will do NOW!"

So I did an assessment, filled in my resume and wrote a cover letter and hit send. It's out of my hands now and I accomplished what I set out to do. If God wills I'll get the position, if he doesn't than I will stay where I am at. Either way I cannot lose. Is that what being content is?

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From: Suki
Date: Wed May 30 13:25:29 EDT 2012 Subject: Mmm

Thanks, Mike! I really resonate with this. Sometimes when I feel anxious about what's happening in the moment, or whether my life seems to have the type/amount of impact I want it to, I look back at what God has already done. I think, "If that's all God wanted to do with me, would it be enough?" This is a reminder to me to be grateful. Which I think is somewhere on the road to contentment and rest. Looking back also gives me hope that God will continue to unfold goodness in the future.

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