Villagersonline : blogs : Laelia : Prayer requests
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From: Laelia
Date: Sun May 2 14:17:59 EDT 2010 Subject: Prayer requests

1. My cello student (a 30year old woman who is attending Pima-her name is Ursala) asked me to ask my church (and me) to pray for her because she has been having massive migraines, is stressed out by school, there has been chaos in her family and she has other things distressing her. SO please pray for her whenever you think of it! Pray that God brings healing with her headaches and that he brings peace into her life and family! She is a Christian by the way!!!

2. This oil spill in the ocean is just so HORRIBLE and heartbreaking. I am so sad about it...I keep having images of it destroying whole ecosystems, irreversably contaminating our drinkable water and destoroying the livlihoods or way of life of millions of people and animals along the shore etc. If you haven't been already, please pray that God will step in and work a miracle (maybe blow it off shore and stop the oil leak??) Pray that

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