Villagersonline : blogs : Krysti : Jesus loves me
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From: Krysti
Date: Mon Sep 29 22:13:30 MST 2003 Subject: Jesus loves me

Even though he always spells my name wrong, I know that Eric really cares for me.

Even though my kids really get excited about doing things with other people, I know that they love me heaps.

Even though I am divorced, broke, screwed up and often afraid, I know that Jesus loves me more then I can even imagine.

It has been wonderful to look back on the last year of trials and tribulations and see just how much Jesus has protected and provided for me.
Here are a few examples of the miracles God has worked.

I didn't have to sell the Cloverland house. Bob bought me out.
I found a great house in the neighborhood my kids and I wanted at exactly the right time.
All the remodel problems that arose did not stop the house from being ready for us to move in.
The Cloverland house got packed and emptied (almost completely) in one day.
I got the job at Jeffco and the start date is Oct. 6th...more then a week after the move.
Every day of the past year I have seen proof positive that the Village community really is what it claims to be.

My list could go on and on and on but I think this gives a pretty good idea of just how wonderful God has been to me.

Thanks to all of you who worked so hard at getting me packed and moved. You were all loving instruments of God's miracle and I am hoping for opportunity to thank each of you individually.
And thanks for not giving me too hard a time about all the junk that the kids and I have!


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