Villagersonline : blogs : Karen : Sad goodbye
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From: Karen
Date: Thu Jun 24 00:19:59 EDT 2010 Subject: Sad goodbye

pastorjames: sorry (6/25/10)
clrclady: Sorry (6/26/10)
Boojeee: a home (6/27/10)
Carena: No Subject (6/27/10)
Laelia: Sorry to hear. . . (6/29/10)
Karen: Thanks (7/17/10)
Responses (sorted by date)
Karen: Thanks (7/17/10)
Laelia: Sorry to hear. . . (6/29/10)
Carena: No Subject (6/27/10)
Boojeee: a home (6/27/10)
clrclady: Sorry (6/26/10)
pastorjames: sorry (6/25/10)
Otis, Jeremy's cat of 8 years, collapsed suddenly and died inexplicably on Monday night. Both of us were there, saw what happened, and still don't know. Jeff, Emily, and Caleb very graciously helped us to bury him in a lovely spot in our backyard.

I really grew to love this cat and have been taking this loss very, very hard!! Please pray for me that I can let him go into God's hands, whatever that looks like for the soul of a cat.


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From: pastorjames
Date: Fri Jun 25 17:47:11 EDT 2010 Subject: sorry

Jeremy and Karen,

I'm really sorry to hear about your cat's passing away. It is incredibly hard to loose a cherished pet. It is even worse to witness the moment. Anyhow, I'm really sorry for your loss.

Your experience reminds me of my cat, Sidney. He was jet black with a cute white spot on his neck just above his chest. I loved that 'ol cat! We had this weird 'life-partner' rhythm going on. We could read each other. We did life together. I experienced alot of life and living and Sydney was with me through it all. A silent observer and campanion. He was witness to much toil, pain, and uncertainty, and yes, amid all that, joy and laughter too. When you loose your pet who has been with you through all of that, it is like loosing those years. And even worse, it is loosing the only thing that was consistent in bringing tangible comfort in the midst of life's tempering tempest.

I lost Sydney to a urinary tract infection. It was a Saturday and I was going to work for half the day to pound nails. He had been really sick and i couldn't figure it out. As I walk to the door to leave, Sydney followed me and - this is not an exageration - pleaded with me with frantic meows to help him. I decided right then I would take him to the vet that day first thing when I returned from work and I told him so. And I left.

That was the last time I saw Sydney alive.

I returned from home work eager to get him to the vet. When I walked in, I sensed something was not right. He wasn't there waiting for me (yes, he was a cat not a dog). I began frantically to look for him. Round the corner toward the kitchen and there he was, sprawled out grotescly on the vinyl with a large pool of dark orange liquid (urine) surrounding him. I was shocked. Numb. Cold. And immediately I began to weep unconsolably. Throbbing I went and bent down by him. His face was contorted, his body limp. I called a close couple I knew. They came over to help. All I could do was weep.

I buried Sydney in the field by my parent's house, the house where I grew up. Afterward I sat on the porch for a long while, unable to feel anything but extreme grief, loss, and sadness.

I know Syndey was only a cat. Some would say idol. I say not. Just a friend. And about the truest friend I had during some of the most painful years of my life.

When I visit my parents I think fondly of Sydney. His grave is just yards from a tree by the road down the big hill. Pets are God's gift to us and today, I still miss Sydney . . .

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From: clrclady
Date: Sat Jun 26 01:27:50 EDT 2010 Subject: Sorry

I am so sorry to here about this Karen. I know how hard it is to loose a close pet. I will pray for your lose.

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From: Boojeee
Date: Sun Jun 27 14:11:53 EDT 2010 Subject: a home

Karen and Jeremy,

I'm also sorry for your loss. I'm glad you have a yard to bury him in; it seems a mercy to me for this to happen there instead of at your trailer. I hope that allows you a needed grieving space.


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From: Carena
Date: Sun Jun 27 14:55:42 EDT 2010 Subject:

I too can feel your pain; I am so sorry Jeremy & Karen. I lost my dear friend Sage in October. I watched her suffer from kidney failure for a month and then looked in her eyes as she passed onto the other side. It May seem silly but I read Numbers 6:24-26 as she left me. It helped us both and I hope it will do the same for you. The experience was a powerful moment; both horrible and beautiful. It was the closest I felt to God besides the times when my boys were born. The experience still is painful and I cry as I write this. The pain will never leave; just becomes easier to live with time. We love our dear pet friends sometimes more than our human ones and they return that love ten fold. I pray for strength and peace for both of you. May Gods grace fill you both.

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From: Laelia
Date: Tue Jun 29 14:55:55 EDT 2010 Subject: Sorry to hear. . .

I strongly believe that animals will be in heaven. With the verses about creation having an inherent knowledge of God, the verses about the lions and lambs lying down together and the creatures with the many eyes around the throne of God crying out "holy, holy, holy" I don't see why our animals wouldn't be in heaven. Also when Jesus comes back and creates a new heaven and a new earth, and "all of creation groans until the day of His appearing", to me that says the mountains, trees, animals etc will all be part of heaven, but in their glorious form like we will be! Anyway, that is my opinion at least and it sure makes sense to me considering the bond we can have with animals and how much we miss them when they die. I believe your kitties will be there to brush against your legs in greeting when you get to heaven!

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From: Karen
Date: Sat Jul 17 02:05:38 EDT 2010 Subject: Thanks

Thank you for your understanding words. Still missing the cat very often when I'm in the house, which is very often, in the summertime ;-)

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