Villagersonline : blogs : Karen : Inspired by Oscar
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From: Karen
Date: Fri Nov 18 16:19:45 MST 2005 Subject: Inspired by Oscar


something like a kitten
scritching on the ragtag screen,
the dented door I pull back to find
someone unexpected, pausing
someone found on his way from there to here
with claws pulled in, ready in a second
to defend a curious small face
turned up towards mine, expecting

something like a kitten
marbled dark orange
sleek and clean, sipping innocently from a small bowl
nibbling with tiny teeth on the ham I’ve left out on purpose then—
when my back’s turned—
seizing neglected tokens of my past,
calling swift attention to whatever I love
sinking teeth into whatever I’ve forgotten to love
souvenirs dragged back into heart’s view

something like a kitten
who loves me and loves me not
curling his tail around my leg
dancing back and forth underfoot
before bolting out the patio door
abandoning me for five minutes or five hours
(if only I’d pretend not to care if I find him again)

something like a kitten
leaping up into twin bed blankets late at night
circling my head, purring my neck
nipping my nose without remorse
until I deposit him just outside
so I can somehow sleep until morning
when he’s there to wake me outside the door
on his endless mission
for another wordless conversation

Karen Bradley
November 17, 2005

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