Villagersonline : blogs : Joel : Notes from deep within the Christian Culture
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From: Joel
Date: Fri Oct 17 14:00:12 MST 2003 Subject: Notes from deep within the Christian Culture

Hey Village people this is Joel Cepin here. I've been in Cleveland, Tennessee for the past 5 months. I've been working as an Electrician- but I got fired last Friday- the official reason: "Refusal to follow directions and argumentative." It was a combination of a lot of things- frustration with the way my boss does things, shame, and possibly the intervention of the Holy Spirit. So now I feel good, free and scared. I finished sending off my application to Philadelphia Biblical University's Grad school. If it works out I will be working toward's an M.S. in Christian Counseling. I would like to ask for prayer- I don't have the financial means to go but I'm taking a risk and asking God to provide or redirect me. Monday October 27th I will be in Philadelphia to meet with faculty and to visit classes and such. Please pray for me. With this new website I feel so much closer to y'all. Wes is doing well-teaching guitar lessons and working at a music shop. The kid wants to do recording (Lord knows he's got the talent for it) but he's just waiting for the Lord to show him the next step. Out here is Church of God central- churches quite literally on every corner. Cleveland is also one of the most active cocaine distribution points in the U.S.......
My car is doing fine- at some point I'm gonna have to replace and repack my front wheel bearings and replace the tie rods in the front too. Going to PBU is a mystery to me but I know that the counseling arena is what I grew up in and essentially it is training for helping people no matter where God takes me. Thanks for talking to me today Eric it was good. Shout out to Joe Raftis and Mike B.

Love you guys


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