Villagersonline : blogs : GaryG : Losing religion pt II
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From: GaryG
Date: Mon Aug 30 11:31:26 MST 2004 Subject: Losing religion pt II

Well-I typed out a LONG response on the first blog but it failed to upload-"too many symbolic links"...DOHHH!
So, let me start another....
Guys, to make a long story longer, let me say that my past religous experiences have instilled in me a deep disdain for religion...I flat out detest it. I stumbled upon that article, read it quickly, and said "giddyup!"....I thought it would be a great launching pad for discussion, and it certainly was! I had the chance to talk briefly with a couple of you last night at Vespers, and there were certainly some very good points made there as well as on the blog. It is probably correct to say if you reject one "label" another will soon take its place, we are obsessed with labeling and pigeonholing in our society, and I'm as guilty as the next person in assuring that beliefs and opinions are placed neatly in little categeories. The main point that I got in my quick scan of the article was that the label and the religion of Christianity bears little resemblence to Christ...this is something that I believe very strongly to be true, but I'm certainly not saying that everyone that associates themselves with the institution is fake or hypocritical or clueless. Someone pointed out that you can choose to work within the system, and I certainly do not fault those that do. I am grateful for the diversity of opinions and beliefs that exist in the Village, only through Christ is this possible. In the other church I attend (long story), I feel that there is no place for my liberal politics and my theology, that I am simply viewed as being "incorrect", especially in doctrinal matters. But at the Village, I feel that I can talk to someone with differing beliefs and still receive respect from them. Steve K is a case in point-he's Arminian, I'm Calvinistic, he's conservative, I'm liberal....but I still count Steve as a friend and can talk to him about "sensitive matters" with an atmosphere of mutual respect for each other's opinions, and I hope he feels the same way. I do struggle with extending grace with those who think differently than I do, along with not "repaying evil with evil" when I feel someone is hostile to my viewpoints...these things are truly my biggest struggle right now.
I would like to direct interested parties to James Fowler's website Fowler does an excellent job of articulating a lot of the things I believe in a deep, Biblically stimulating manner. Of special note is the section on "Christianity is NOT religion", especially the sub-heading "Christianity is NOT morality"......let me know what you think about this one heh heh heh...
Viva la diversity!

****Correction:-I see that my response did post on the original blog-sorry for the redundancy. For a more detailed look at my religous past and reasons why I'm so damn bitter, check out my response on the original blog****

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