Villagersonline : blogs : Boojeee : ministering
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From: Boojeee
Date: Wed Mar 23 14:20:15 MST 2005 Subject: ministering

I was looking around online and found my brother-in-law's blog site. He spends his time thinking about philosophy and God and Jesus and people and culture and how all those things intertwine. I especially liked his blog at
It reminded me of our [slightly less esoteric] discussion about encouragement being a "calling out" of each other to step into our identities as they are being revealed in community. The idea that in some sense we are all ministers leading each other. As we offer who we are in Christ, where we find ourselves in the world and what God has us looking at in our own lives, we reflect something unique about who God is and invite people on the path of understanding who they are, getting a sense of where God has them and finding something of the challenges they face in their own lives. Out of these, it seems to me, we find clues to the next steps in our journeys toward Christ together. Sometimes we lead; sometimes we follow. And it's a lot more fun to be on the journey together rather than alone. More do-able, I would venture to say, too. And when the scary moment comes that it's our turn to lead, it's hard to step out and risk failing or falling or feeling like a hypocryte [which I think is our cheif fear as post-moderns]. I'm finding, that as I do--whether I fall on my face or not--encouragement happens all around.

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